

In the Plant Quantitative Genomics and Epigenomics laboratory (Q-Lab) we investigate how new genetic and epigenetic variation are brought about and contribute to heritable phenotypic changes. In particular, we explore the potential role of de novo (epi)mutations, notably those generated by transposable element insertions, in the rapid adaptation of populations to drastic environmental changes, such as ongoing climate change. We use molecular, genetic, and computational approaches to characterise very large populations of experimental and wild-type plants.

Our lab is part of the Institute of Plant Science (IPS2) at the Paris-Saclay University, which is as world-class research university (13th worldwide in the Shanghai Ranking 2021). IPS2 is a major research hub in plant biology in France and Europe. It combines genomics, molecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, genetics, and physiology to advance our understanding of the mechanisms controlling plant growth.